Friday 30 March 2007

Bad cinema

I had never heard of the film kids before watching it and so i didn't know what to expect. I must admit that i was shocked and surprised at the content. It's a very hard hitting, in your face film and i found myself putting my head in my hands a few times. The film centres around Telly who would only sleep with virgins so he would not have to use protection. this is a nieve assumption to make as people could be lying to him which reminds us that despite the adult things they are doing they are just kids. One of the most disturbing scenes was the rape scene where jenny, who is HIV positive, was raped by casper while passed out on the sofa after drinking to much alcohol. This is obviously a major shock tactic to ram the message home. I was interested as to where the kids parents were in this film because i'm sure i would know if my children were behaving like that. I think the film shows us that kids are capable of anything and are not just kids.

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