Monday 26 March 2007

Tatoos and Body piercing

I found this lecture very very interesting. It helped that the lecturer felt passionate about what he was talking about which was evident. Tatooing and body piercing was our groups choice for our final piece of work. we decided to create a poster, the theme being first impressions. anybody who has exsessive tatoos or piercings is immediatley seen as being strange. people tend to make snap judgements based on their appearance. for all they know they could be a doctor, a lawyer or a policeman etc. people don't think that people who look like that can have a serious profession. some of the pictures i saw during the lecture were fairly shocking and would be to anyone who saw them, but i think this is only because we do not see people like this very often so we are not accustomed to seeing the extreme forms of body modification they partake in.

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