Monday 5 March 2007


In my opinion, there is no excuse for infidelity. People who will go behind the back of a person who loves them and is willing to devote the rest of their life to them, are dispicable. If a person can think of enough reason to cheat on their partner, then they shouldn't be with them at all. Alot of infidelity is based on bordem within the relationship, in my opinion, and rather than talking about it, they act on it in the most unacceptable way possible. There is no way that anyone can come out of an affair unscathed, especially when there are children involved. anybody who has been on the recieving end of an affair has their whole world blown apart and they often find it very difficult to trust again. Anyone who would willingly do this to a person doesn't deserve anyone. The pain and surprise is just as bad for people who find out that their parter is infact married and they are just the 'bit on the side.' I have never been uinfaithful to any of my partners and i never will be and if anyone was unfaithful to me they would be out of my life straight away.

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