Friday 23 February 2007


I wasn't sure what to expect from this lecture and let me tell you, it took me by complete surprise. The subject matter caused a stir even before the lecture began and everybody was questioning how much could be taught on this topic. Once the lecture began i found it quite difficult because although it is something everyone does, and nothing to be ashamed about, it is also something very personal and so to sit for three hours studying it was quite surreal. I spent most of the time unable to look anybody in the eye. im not sure whether thats more to do with my age as it is more accepted and talked about now than when i was young. The lecture focussed on whether masturbation is a good or bad thing and as i have said before, i do not think there is anything wrong with it, as it is something almost everyone does at least once in there life. (more like once a day for some..) It didn't draw me to any conclusions that i had not already come to myself but still provided me with a whole new angle on the subject.

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